Yesterday was a rough day! I was getting caught up in my emotions, looking into situations more than I should have been, believing the
lie's of the enemy, you name it I was believing it. I was not able to fully get into the presence of God during prayer, I was frustrated about it. So after all that said I went outside and just sat, cried a little and just really pressed into what God wanted me to see and hear! As I sat there confessing all my frustrations and saw all my sin and a HUGE mountain. God reminded me of my quiet time I had that morning, I was reading about faith and having faith to move the mountains in my own life. God said wake up Whitney and have the faith that with my strength this will be removed! As I sat there, I was like in order to see true freedom I have to do it!
"Don't be discouraged, all good leaders have there struggle days and this too will pass. Keep your head held high and keep reaching for the sky." -TJ Mccormick
That quote also put things into perspective for where I was at that moment. Continuously pressing on no matter the circumstance! And the second I fully trusted God with everything, everything came all together! WE serve a mighty God!
So when your down, upset, discouraged keep your head held high towards Jesus! He's the one we're here to impress not people!
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